Sunday, September 5, 2010

Grade 7 Fraction

Guys let me share some fraction help today, as i mentioned earlier that i have had good experiences in math earlier also this is also a part of it. I was in mid of grade 7 fraction problem and did not know what are the basic operations of fractions also. But with the help of these online services i learn t what are the it which i will share with you guys now.

The basic operations on fractions are add, subtract, multiply and division.

For the addition rule, we have all the numerators added and the sum is written as a numerator and here the denominator remains the same. This rule is implemented only if the denominator is the same.

If the denominator is different then we need to change the unlike fractions into like fractions by using the L.C.M and then add the fractions.

For Subtraction its again the same method as the addition rule. But here you need to subtract.

For the multiplication rule, we need to multiply the numerators and their denominators separately and put them as a new fraction. We need to simplify the new fraction into its lowest form.

For the division rule, we need to multiple the first fraction by the reciprocal of the 2nd fraction.

These are the steps to be followed when we work on fractions. Check out Free fraction help i learn t how to work on fractions only by these online help itself.

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